Spring Background

Friday, April 30, 2010


I took a birthing class called Hypnobabies. I highly recommend this course for anyone regardless of how you plan on birthing your baby. It was very instructive and helpful on numerous levels. There are are several things we covered, but the two main things we learned was self-hypnosis to aid in deeply relaxing during contractions (called pressure waves) to assist and promote an unmedicated birth and how to release the body's natural anesthetic to help control discomfort.

It was a 6 week course that we attended on Friday nights for approximately 3 hours. It went by quickly because we covered a lot of information as well as practiced new hypnosis scripts. The class always began with an account of how we did that week and had the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss any concerns.

Before we started the class we had our first hypnosis CD that helped us create our "Special Place" - that is where we go to feel safe and to be with our precious baby. The first class we learned about the power of words. We also had an affirmations CD that we listened to daily that helped to prepare our minds and bodies for birth and for the changes in pregnancy. We discussed the anatomy of pregnancy, the power of our thoughts, how fear factors into pregnancy and childbirth, epidural - pros vs. cons. We also had "homework" that we did daily. It was vital to practice daily so that the tools were deeply ingrained and we'd be able to use them.

The second class covered nutrition to aid in pregnancy, water intake, substances to avoid, comfort in pregnancy, pregnancy exercises (these were awesome in preparing the body for birth as well as helping the baby to be in the best birthing position), stages of birthing time, baby kindness, and early parenting.

The third class covered birthing choices, choices during childbirth, choices in second stage, how to get what you want in your birth experience, creating a birth plan, information about "big" babies, packing list for birthing time, and information about doulas.

The fourth class covered "guess dates", engagement, signs of your birthing time, release of your membranes, waterbirthing, timing birthing waves, preparing for your birthing day, birth partner information (husband, mom, etc.), vaginal exams, creating a birthing environment, epidural information, chiropractic care, optimal fetal positioning, and birthing ball use.

The fifth class covered transformation stage, mother-directed pushing, cesarean facts, breech babies (and how to get them to turn), and how to avoid an unnecessary cesarean.

The sixth class covered postpartum care for mom, baby's care, newborn procedures, baby care plan, newborn issues, newborn appearance, the mind of a newborn, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, and shifting the "what if" paradigm.

There were several hypnosis scripts to practice deepening hypnosis and anesthesia, and some to do together with the birth partner. It was VERY helpful to have my birth partner (husband) involved and to know certain "cues" to be able to help me during my birthing time. He was so supportive and calm during the whole process which helped me to be able to stay calm and relax through pressure waves and through transition. The information is supportive of unmedicated natural childbirth. I found that releasing my body's anesthetic to be an irritating tingle at first. I was able to program my thinking to interpret the anesthetic as warm and comfortable, and the best part is that it worked! There were a number of times during my pregnancy when I experienced discomfort and used the peace cues to release my body's anesthetic and experienced INSTANT relief! I knew that this process would work for me! And I trusted it completely. Toward the end of my pregnancy I wasn't practicing everything daily. I expected it all to work for me. When I was in active labor, it came on so quickly, and my discomfort was manageable that I didn't begin using my tools until later. That made me panic because my thinking was, "I was supposed to be doing this at this point and I'm not!" I felt like I needed to catch up. Although that was untrue, it prevented me from doing deep hypnosis. I used some of my skills and tools, but not all of them and not in their fullness or entirety. What I used worked for me during childbirth. It made me sad that I didn't use all of the skills and tools that I had acquired and didn't experience the full Hypnobabies experience! 70% of women report a PAIN-FREE birthing experience. Unfortunately mine was not pain-free. But it was manageable. I will most definitely be doing this again the next time I am pregnant. There was something so richly rewarding about birthing a calm healthy baby. My baby was born in a birthing center using waterbirth and the Hypnobabies techniques. She was never stressed - not even in the birth canal. She was very calm and alert right after she was born. It was the most amazing feeling! And the most wonderful gift I could give my baby girl! She got a very healthy start on life and there is nothing more rewarding than that!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our Baby

Our sweet Natalia Grace was born on April 5, 2010 at 6:47 a.m. She was 9 lbs. 1 oz. and 23 inches long. Her birth was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I had decided before I was married that I wanted to do waterbirth and preferred to have a natural birth without any kind of medication or drugs. From all the research I did I found that the most gentle way for a baby to enter the World was in a familiar environment - from a fluid environment (amniotic fluid) to a water environment before her little body became subject to gravity, light, sound, etc. I was right. My sweet baby was never stressed. Not even in the birth canal. She was so calm and alert right after she was born! My midwife handed her to me where she laid in my arms while we waited for the placenta to be delivered. We waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before clamping and cutting it. In doing so Natalia received all the nourishment and oxygen that her body needed to function independently from my body. Josh was able to sever our connection. He was AMAZING! My sweet husband was SO supportive and comforting. He was with me every step of the way and was my partner through everything! How I love my dear husband!

We took a birthing class called Hypnobabies. It was amazing! It taught us how to relax deeply using self-hypnosis and use the body's natural anesthetic to control discomfort during birthing time. The affirmations were very helpful in preparing my mind and body for birth. I was completely at peace with her arriving when she was ready. My body handled pregnancy VERY well! I gained over 50 lbs. without gaining any stretch marks! What a miracle! It's been 3 weeks and I'm only 13 lbs. away from my starting weight. I think I finally found a perk to being 6 feet tall! :) I was horribly disappointed in myself in how I used the skills I had acquired for birth. I practiced my hypnosis and knew it would work for me - there were many occasions when I was experiencing discomfort and used the cues that released my body's anesthetic and the pain was instantly gone. I trusted the process, but when it came time to use it I wasn't very successful. Labor came on very quickly and I delayed starting hypnosis in part because I wasn't sure if it was really go time and I could manage the discomfort I felt. Once I knew it was active labor and we would be having a baby shortly my thoughts turned to "I'm at this point and I should've already been doing this - how do I catch up now?" I should've immediately used my skills. I used some of them and when I did they were very successful. I'm so sad I didn't get the full Hypnobabies experience (over 70 % report a pain-free birthing experience). But I have NO regrets! I had a beautiful healthy baby naturally with NO medication or drugs. That was my ultimate goal. I will most definitely do it again! But the next time I'll be more prepared!


Welcome to my blog! I will be posting updates about our family and thoughts and experiences from my heart as regularly as time permits. It will take some time to get this all figured out and setup, but I will keep working on it. Check back later for updates and changes!